Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why Do Doctors In Arkansas act like Patients are Idiots?

I was referred to EVER TOUCHED my body and told me there was trouble with C-3, C-4 , C-5 and C-6 in my neck. And narrowing in 6 places of my spine. He said he could see something wrong with either my heart or lungs. There was clouding over my neck area where my neck joins my body. He never once touched my body or my spine at anytime. Told me he wanted me to have a Chest, Lung and Heart Xray done to see what was wrong. But then in the next sentence said he wanted me walking 3 mile 3 times a day. Said I was a little over weight. I know this. I have degenerative bone disease of my hips and walking across the floor is a Challenge most days. Just getting off the bed of a morning is painful. I wake up at least 3 times a night in pain. He told me to take Ibprofen for the pain. And sent me to physical therapy for some exercises for my neck and back. And they want me to get this traction device to put 20 pounds of traction on my neck 4 times a day for 30 minutes at a time. I told him I had trouble even walking 25 maybe 50 feet to my mailbox without being in such pain In my hip I wanted to scream. I got to the mailbox one day last week and almost past out from the shooting pain in my left hip. It feel like the Ball is trying to break off my hip bone or my pelvic bone is breaking. But he did not even seem to care. I asked what was causing the Numbness in my arms and legs and he basically said because I was fat and Lazy. And never answered any of my Questions. All he said was that what I have is Hereditary I got it from my mother and my ancestors. I said what do I have and he said Exercise is the key do it for 6 months to stregthen my back and then we will see if we need to do surgery. But after he said something was WRONG with the Heart or Lungs I am scared to do the exercises and or start the walking 3 mile from home. My husband is a truck driver and gone at least 16 hours a day. So I will have to walk by myself. I suggested getting a treadmill at least I could walk in the house still get my 3 mile in and be safe doing it. Where if something happened I could be by the phone to call for help. The doctor said NO walk outside and by a year I should be able to walk 3 mile in 45 minutes 3 times a day. When I was young and in Better health I could not walk 3 mile a day. I had Spinal Meningitus at 2 months old and was told all my life I would be lucky to walk past 30 I will be 50 in 30 days. I have degenerative Spinal Disc Disease. Arthritis Of the Spine and Degenerative Bone Disease. But the back Doctor Did not even seem to care. What I told him. He said do the exercises and we will see in 6 months.

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